Attending a Teach the Teacher medical course

EducationColleges and Universities › Attending a Teach the Teacher medical course

   A Teach the Teacher course is designed for qualified doctors to learn the skills required to carry out effective teaching and presentations to students. Many doctors will have student medical staff under their supervision throughout their career so it can very beneficial for them to attend a Teach the Teacher course so you can become an effective teacher to help all your students learn effectively. A Teach the Teacher course will cover a number of different areas and will normally run for two days. The course will tend to consist of a small number of participants and will be very interactive to encourage you to share thoughts and ideas with other attendees.

   The content of a Teach the Teacher course will include key elements of education theory, how to develop and write structured teaching objectives, leaning how to adapt your teaching to different learning styles, how to set up and deliver effective presentations, coaching one-to-one, giving effective feedback and techniques to help you deal with difficult students. The Teach the Teacher course will be tailored around the particular attendees so they all get the most from the day. If participants want more focus on a particular area such as presentations then the course can be tailored around this.

   There are a wide range of different Medical Teaching courses that you can attend to develop your Medical Teaching skills. The Teach the Teacher course is a great all round course for general teaching skills but if you want to learn more about teaching a particular subject, skill or technique then you can find more specific Medical Teaching courses to attend. There is a great range of management and leadership Medical Teaching Courses for people in positions of authority and Medical Teaching Courses specifically for NHS workers.
   To find places that run Medical Teaching Courses you can search online. Here you will find links to companies that offer Teach the Teacher courses and Medical Teaching Courses at various locations around the country.

Article By: Jessica Thomson

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