The Internet has made shareware the computer enthusiast's hottest commodity. Don't you think it's time to cash in on these near-free utilities?
If you've ever wondered whether there was a software program out there to help you come to grips with a specific computer dilemma, chances are you need look no further than the Web. There you'll find countless shareware programs just waiting to be downloaded--all for free (or nearly free).
Downloadable software comes in two flavors: "shareware," which is sold on the honor system and requires you to send a check to the creator if you use it; and "free ware," which, as the name implies, provides a program that you can use without charge. There is a third type of downloadable software also available. Termed "demoware," these are downloadable demos of commercial software that you can use to "test" a program's basic functionality. Typically, these programs omit key features and disable after a time.
It's not recommended that you use shareware to outfit your entire computer--although it's likely you'll be able to find almost everything you need in shareware form. Shareware is often a great adjunct to the programs you use on a daily basis. Additionally, shareware often gives your computer functionality you never knew it could have. Because a shareware application is typically developed by a dedicated software designer with a strong personal vision, you'll find utilities that supplement your current suite of programs in ways you've never imagined.
The best place to go for shareware is the mother of all sites: CNET's ( Here, you can search a database of more than 250,000 shareware programs, organized by operating system. With a direct link to CNET's (, this site lets you view the most downloaded shareware programs and is well-organized, and includes numerous headings to let you home in on your interests, including "Business and Finance," "Desktop enhancements, "Games," "Internet," "Most Popular," "New Releases" and more. Another starting point on your shareware quest is Jumbo! (, a site that's slightly more playful than and has an emphasis on recreational downloads, including games, music files, screensavers and the like. You'll also want to check out ZDNet's shareware site ( This site makes it easy locate some of the top freebies and includes reviews of category leaders.
Of course, downloading applications from the Net can be time-consuming, especially if you're doing it on a standard modem line. You'll want to make sure the time spent is worth it.
So what are some of the hottest downloads on the Web right now? Read on for where to find them, how much they'll cost and, most important, how they'll improve the way you compute. And remember: This is just a taste of what's out there. We highly recommend perusing the shareware sites to get a feel for all the useful applications available.
* WinZip ( There's a shareware program every computer user simply must have in his or her arsenal: WinZip. WinZip is available from any shareware site--not just the main Web site. WinZip is a file-compression tool used for zipping and unzipping files uploaded and downloaded to and from the Net. This utility decompresses virtually any zipped-up Internet file and makes it easy to organize your zipped files. This is typical shareware--it can be used free of charge for 21 days, after which you'll need to pay $29 (well worth it). Expect to spend four minutes down-loading this effective little program.
* McAfee Clinic ( If you're planning to start downloading files and programs, it's definitely time for an antivirus program. McAfee is one of the leaders in fighting viruses. You can get a demo version of this powerful software for the small price of a lengthy download.
* RealPlayer ( Real-Player has made a name for itself as the leading utility for playing Internet audio and video. RealPlayer 7 Basic is available for free, while RealPlayer 7 Plus will cost you $29.99 and promises to make your Web surfing come to life. Basic includes plenty of features to whet your appetite for multimedia, including access to's Take 5, a daily program guide to online entertainment, and links to more than 100 live radio shows.
* Adobe Acrobat Reader ( We've all been to a Web site that requires this PDF file viewer. Adobe Acrobat lets users post large files to the Web to be downloaded and read by this fairly common program. The latest version of Acrobat Reader lets you view PDF files that contain Chinese, and other Asian font packs.
* X:drive Client ( This is a free program that works with X:drive, a free online storage service. With X:drive on your computer, you'll have complete and easy access to your online files as if they were sitting on your hard drive. That means wherever you are, you'll have access to your files-- and, of course, you can also store large files that you don't want sitting on your hard drive. Using X:drive Client means you'll have to sign up for a free X:drive account to get your Internet hard drive (up to 100MB) up and running, but why wouldn't you? The download is short--only six minutes.
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Article By: Cassandra Cavanah
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