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Self Improvement › Time Management

  • Lifestyle Management: Live Better, Live Happier!

    By Tracey Crockett

    What is lifestyle management? Is it just another one of those terms being thrown about today to get people to buy new products or a legitimate term asking people to re-evaluate their way of living so as to enjoy life a little more? In today’s hectic world, the “Go! Go! Go!” expectation has placed an unfortunate burden on most workers.  Read..

  • Could you use a 'Stop Doing' list?

    By Inez Ng

    One of the tried and true organization and time-management tools is the trusty old "to do" list. I was trained to diligently put one together at the end of the day for the following day, and whatever tasks I failed to complete, to carry it forward. This system has worked well in helping me prioritize and focus. But I have also heard many of my colleagues complain about having too much on their list, and feeling very discouraged and overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on their "To Do" list. To help ease the overwhelm, I want to introduce the concept of the "Stop Doing" list.  Read..

  • 20 Time Tips And Beliefs About Time

    By Thea Westra

    Whenever you are feeling overwhelmed or rushed, check-in with your personal perception and experience of reality.
    It might be useful to remember that our calendars and clocks are man-made; therefore these can also be man-unmade.  Read..

  • Work at Home Time Management Tips

    By Harrold Swalve

    People who work at home have the freedom to set their schedules and hours. However, it can be difficult to stay on task with so many additional distractions when you work at home. Here are some time management tips to help you stay on task as you work at home.  Read..

  • Two Kinds Of Time

    By jazzinjane

    Have you wondered why waiting for the elevator for a minute, seems longer than a ten minute coffee break? Why it seems like a few minutes when you actually talk to your girlfriend on the phone for an hour? And why it seems like an hour when you are on the hotseat for a minute?  Read..

  • Time Management Skills: Top 5 Ways to Improve Them

    By Pamela Catey

    Do you feel like your time management skills are lacking? Feel overwhelmed, stressed, or like you are losing your life as each day quickly passes by?
    In this article, I will share with you the top 5 ways to improve your time management skills to regain control of your life. There is a great quote by Business Philosopher, Jim Rohn “Time is our most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest it.” Are you investing your time in things that are producing the results you desire? If not, read on.  Read..

  • Make Time For Important Things By Making An Appointment

    By Shafir Ahmad

    We only have a limited amount of time each day, and it is important that we get as much as possible out of our day. Often we are inundated with things to do that are urgent, and lots of stuff that just happens to need to be done today. So we may waste our time on meetings and other unproductive things.  Read..

  • Add An Extra Month To Your Life - Every Year

    By Jonathan Farrington

    There are many time management systems around, they usually involve attendance on training courses and the purchase of a vast amount of specially designed documentation, BUT - The Ivy Lee System, like all good ideas, is very simple and yet effective. It could find you an extra hour a day, which is equivalent to an extra 20 hours a month - resulting in an extra month per year.  Read..

  • Master your Time, Double your Success

    By srana25

    Time Management is an essential success skill
    Practically speaking, time is constant: 60 seconds per minute, 60 minutes per hour, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week (24/7).  Read..

  • Take Advantage of Audio Books For Better Time Management

    By Albert TAY

    Many of my friends, regardless of whether they are working or busy at home taking care of kids, never have the time to sit down and read their favourite book.
    Work can tire you out as well and by the time you sit down, you just want to lie on your bed and start dozing off.  Read..

  • Time Management For Distance Learning

    By Charles J Williams

    As a busy professional, it is vitally important to manage your time. There are some broad principles, approaches, that you need to learn and apply. The first is to take the view that your time is precious, and should not be wasted.  Read..

  • TV Time: How much television do you really watch?

    By Katherine Westphal

    don't watch that much TV!
    "I don't watch that much TV," says the average person, "just a few hours here and there." Unfortunately, the average person, according to the most recent figures from Nielsen Media Research Inc., watches TV for 4 hours and 35 minutes every single day. Worse, the average household has a TV playing for 8 hours 14 minutes every day.  Read..

  • A checklist is the best way to get organized for any event.

    By Shafir Ahmad

    A checklist is the best way to get organized for any event. Most of us make a grocery list before going to the store, why not make a list for everything else in life? The benefits greatly outweigh the time that it may take to make one. The more checklists that you make, the faster you will get at it. So what kind of checklists should you make? The following lists some general ideas for checklists:  Read..

  • Tips for Proper Planning of Time

    By Mitch Johnson

    In making a plan there are particulars things which we need to know and we need to follow. In this article you will learn on how to make a good planning.
    I thought it would be useful for you to have a brief overview of the different steps involved in planning.  Read..

  • Time Management Horse Sense

    By Dr. Don Wetmore, President, The Productivity Institute

    Time management, personal productivity, and success in life are a lot like the horse race metaphor. To get twice as much in life, in any of our many dimensions, health, family, financial, intellectual, professional, social, and spiritual, we do not have to double our effort and input.  Read..

  • So You Want To Balance Your Work Life and Home Life

    By Shafir Ahmad

    Balancing your work life and your home life can be very difficult. Your job can require more of you than you are able to give in a typical 8 to 10 hour day. A lot of people will bring work home with them at night or on the weekends or will work longer hours to get their jobs finished. But the more time that you spend on your work, the less time you can spend with your family.  Read..

  • Time Management for Single Moms – How to Save Hours in a Day

    By Michael Lee

    Don't you sometimes wish that a day has 72 hours instead of just 24? If you're a single mom, time management is a necessary skill. You cannot afford to just settle with, "There is so much to do in so little time. That's just the way it is"  Read..

  • 11 Secrets To Better Time Management For Entrepreneurs

    By Kristie Tamsevicius

    Why is it that the Bill Gate's of this world are rich and famous? What secret do they know that the rest of us don't? If you study their lives closely, you'll discover the rich and famous have certain habits that attribute to their success. Successful people are very careful about how they spend their time. No matter how you slice it, we all have 24 hours in a day, so the key lies in learning to use our time wisely. Below are some ways you can dramatically increase your productivity through more effective use of your time.  Read..

  • Get Organized Today!

    By Kevin Sinclair

    We all know how much easier it is to work when we're organized, but having the motivation to get organized is a little hard for many to come by. This is because disorganization leads to feelings of being overwhelmed, and when we're overwhelmed, it is hard to think clearly on any one task let alone change the way we are used to doing things in the name of organization.  Read..

  • Tackling The Task List

    By Rick Beneteau

    A picture perfect day for preaching what I often forget to practice. A cloudless Sunday afternoon, facing the blazing sun fully outstretched in my lounging chair, reclined of course. Doing what I love to do most - writing. So allow me to
    pontificate. After all it IS Sunday.  Read..

  • Are You Wasting Or Investing Your Time?

    By Ken Charnley

    Time is the most precious value we have. Time is the greatest equalizer of human beings. If we don’t ant to admit his and to treat time with respect then we will only have to lose. It doesn’t matter if you are rich or poor, healthy or sick, you will only have 24 hours a day either way, and you should try to use them wisely.  Read..

  • How to Create a Time Management Plan That Works

    By Gobala Krishnan

    I went for that seminar too, the one where some guy bounces around preaching that the only way to become successful like him is to have a near-impossible dream and to work towards it vigorously by following a rigid daily time schedule. They call it time management. There's only one problem - it didn't work - for me at least.  Read..

  • Time Management Techniques

    Two Proven Techniques Successful People Use...

    They believe time is much more important than wealth. They double or triple their time. Now you can apply these techniques or time management tips.

    Now you can use these time management techniques. Like successful people, you can master the art of utilizing time more effectively, be more efficient and productive and eventually contribute to your advancement or success. See how they do it?

  • Do It Now

    By Steve Pavlina

    When going to college many years ago, I decided to challenge myself by setting a goal to see if I could graduate in only three semesters, taking the same classes that people would normally take over a four-year period.  Read..

  • Could you use a 'Stop Doing' list?

    By Inez Ng

    One of the tried and true organization and time-management tools is the trusty old "to do" list. I was trained to diligently put one together at the end of the day for the following day, and whatever tasks I failed to complete, to carry it forward. This system has worked well in helping me prioritize and focus. But I have also heard many of my colleagues complain about having too much on their list, and feeling very discouraged and overwhelmed by the sheer number of items on their "To Do" list. To help ease the overwhelm, I want to introduce the concept of the "Stop Doing" list.  Read..

  • Eliminate Six Common Mistakes in Time Management

    By Shafir Ahmad

    Do you wish there were more hours in a day to get everything done? Well, isn't it true that you have the same amount of hours as any other person on this planet? Maybe what you need is not more hours, you just need to learn to manage the hours you already have. Here are six common mistakes that people make, and how you can avoid them.
    For some reason, it is common belief that to get more done, you need to work harder. This is totally false. The secret to accomplishing more is not to work harder, but to work smarter. That is why you should always start your day with a plan of action. Every morning write down what you will accomplish that day. Start your day with this plan in mind. Mark through each item as you accomplish it. Do not let anyone derail you from this plan.  Read..

  • 100 Year Project

    By John Mehrmann

    Imagine what you could accomplish if you were given 100 years to complete any project of your choosing. How would you approach your project management and your time management? What would your timeline look like?
    How many years would you devote to study, observe, listen and learn? You would probably spend several years gathering information, educating yourself and learning as much as possible. Your studies would likely become more focused and detailed as you gain knowledge and expertise related to your project.  Read..

  • Improve your time management

    By Nigel Robinson

    “If only I had more time!” How many times have you heard this expression before? Frankly, if you are reading this article, you probably say it yourself every now and again. One thing is for sure, if you understand and practice the key principles of effective time management you will have more time available for the things you want to do.
    The single most important aspect of effective time management is to understand about the things that rob you of your precious time resource. I call these “time robbers” and they tend to fall into one of three main categories:  Read..

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