Make Your Summer the Best Ever

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At this time of the year, the light tends to change subtly (though as of yet there has been little actual sunshine) and you start to notice your appearance more as you consider your wardrobe and makeup options for the forthcoming season.

If friends have started to ask if you’re ill or tired (because the change in light does seem to highlight skin imperfections somewhat) then that’s a pretty good sign that you need to start pepping up your appearance before the really warm weather arrives. During the rest of the year, jumpers and cardigans, tights and jeans can disguise a multitude of sins and it’s easy to let our skin-care and general shape relax a bit too much. Add to that too many puddings and stodgy cold-weather food and you may have a few extra layers compared to last summer.

So the first thing you need to do is get rid of any excess weight since it will not only hamper your self-confidence but also make you sweaty and uncomfortably warm in the hot weather. A good tip is to fill a bag with tins or books weighing the equivalent of the amount you can realistically lose in the next couple of months (around 1 – 2lbs per week, until you achieve your goal weight or until your willpower runs out, whichever is soonest!). Carry the bag around with you for ten minutes or so and you’ll soon appreciate just how much extra strain your body is under by carrying that extra weight with you 24/7.
There are a thousand ways of losing weight but the main principle is that you need to burn off more than you are consuming. Choose the way that suits you best and stick with it for as long as you can.

Next move on to the other aspects of your appearance that you might want to brush up on before summer. The obvious one is the amount of unwanted hair you might be sporting after so many months wrapped up and covered up. Shaving or waxing can normally be done at home but neither lasts very long and can be sticky, painful and cause injury (as anyone who’s ever microwaved a pot of wax or tilted a razor at the wrong angle could testify).

If you want really good, long-lasting results then head for a reputable laser hair removal salon. Unlike electrolysis, laser hair treatment can deal with large areas at a time (so you need fewer sessions) and is not as painful. It damages the hair follicles so any re-growth is limited and usually finer than before (though it does not claim to permanently remove hair, it does permanently reduce unwanted hair). Exposure to sunlight and heat immediately after treatment can be damaging for your skin, so this time of year is ideal for getting treated and of course the treatment will last at least until after summer before you might need some top-up tr eatments.

Once your body is buff and fluff-free you’ll be ready to meet summer with your head held high and you can really enjoy yourself!
The New York Laser Clinic, has 3 world class clinics in London. Offering a wide range of skin treatments and specialising in permanent laser hair removal . The state of the art clinics, along with fully qualified and licensed specialists, ensure that your treatment will be professional, safe, hygienic and relaxed.

Article By: William Pollard

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