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  • Weight Loss Surgery

    By john watson

    More and more people are looking for weight loss surgery. They are doing so because they know that they cannot continue to live with being morbidly obese and realise that surgery could help them to lose the weight.  Read..

  • Bariatric Surgery

    By john watson

    People are increasing typing the phrase 'bariatric surgery' into their search engine. They are doing so because they recognise that they need help with their weight problem. A growing percentage of the UK population is becoming obese, but more and more people realise that they cannot stay that way and are therefore seeking help.  Read..

  • Is an HCG diet as safe as It Is Effective?

    By Michaell Waugh

    An HCG diet is one of the latest trends in a long line of 'lose weight fast' diet plans otherwise known as fad diets. Fad diets come and go as fast as, if not faster than, trends in the high fashion world. Why? Because most just do not work, or worse turn out to be dangerous, yet the parade continues, because people insist on trying for a quick and easy way to lose unwanted weight, rather than adhering to a healthy diet plan and exercise regiment.  Read..

  • Phen375 - The fastest way to lose weight

    By Diana Richards

    Are you still wondering how to lose 5 pounds in a week? The answer could be Phen375, which is a non-prescription fat burner and probably the best of its kind. It is based on a chemical formula that is the result of significant Research and Development efforts. It provides pharmaceutical-level slimming effects but does not require a prescription. It is legal, manufactured in FDA-approved labs and does not carry the hazardous side effects of the banned Phentermine.  Read..

  • Achieve your goals with Weight Loss Hypnotherapy

    By jessica tomson

    Hypnotherapy uses hypnosis techniques to treat emotional, medical and psychological problems. It can be very effective for many people in treating such problems and the majority of people will see really positive results. Weight loss hypnotherapy is frequently carried out on people who are really struggling to lose weight in conventional ways such as through diet and exercise. People who have battled with their weight for years and tried lots of diets have often found success after having weight loss hypnotherapy.  Read..

  • How To Lose Face Fat

    By Yu Chung Leong

    Here is a fact that you should take note of. What do you look at first when you meet somebody? You look at their face first right? For example you meet up with old friends, colleagues, your neighbor or new friends, most of the time you will focus your attention on their faces first.  Read..

  • Weight Loss Exercise Programs

    By Prabakar

    When designing their weight loss exercise programs, people want to know the best exercise for weight loss. Surprisingly, the exercise that burns the most calories is not always the best exercise for weight loss. Sure, it’s important to burn calories, and we’ll tell you which exercises burn the most calories in just a moment. But it’s also important to burn fat.  Read..

  • 20 Tips for a Healthy, Low-Fat Diet

    By Chef Kevin Wagner

    In this day and age, people are searching and yearning for a healthier lifestyle.
    The glory days of high-fat sauces that make the heart nearly seize up at the thought, are being replaced with low-fat, lighter versions by some of today’s top chefs. Burgers and fries are giving way to wraps, rolls and health conscious fast food. Even the ballpark, home to the hot dog, has been inundated by modern, lighter, fusion cuisines.  Read..

  • Quick Weight Loss Secrets

    By Lance WALKER

    The Secrets have been in our family recipes, some even date back as far as 3000 BC. For years our Ancient ancestors have been using natural herbs and spices to heal and cure, even to take the weight off.  Read..

  • 7 Easy Steps To Healthy Weight Loss

    By Joel Kaye

    Today more than ever there is so much information out there on losing weight that is has become very confusing and sometimes difficult to follow. It’s actually very easy to lose weight if you follow my 7 principles.  Read..

  • Handy tips to choose the perfect weight loss program

    It is not an uncommon scene to see some one or other signing up a weight loss program. The mushrooming of weight loss programs is patronized by the health and fitness savvy people. However these people fail to probe the nature of such programs .Check out these tips to identify the perfect program for you.  Read..

  • Diets Don't Work!

    By Chad Tackett

    Many Americans view a healthy lifestyle as something difficult to attain--and something that's not much fun. Traditional diets have taught us that to lose weight, we must count calories, keep track of everything we eat, and deprive ourselves by limiting the amount--and kinds--of foods we eat.  Read..

  • Weight Loss - 21 Sure Fire Ways to Lose Weight

    By alien

    As long as you keep thinking about losing weight without doing much about it, you may reach a stage when you remain reconciled to the idea that you and your fat are inseparable. That will leave you with a negative attitude.  Read..

  • Techniques and Tips To Stay On The Diet Track

    By Shafir Ahmad

    Some people may think that dieting is something that they do whenever they start to feel uncomfortable about their looks and how they feel about their body. They go on a quickie diet program and watch everything that they eat and exercise regularly. And as soon as they achieve their weight goals, they think that is the end of dieting and go on to reward themselves for the hard work.  Read..

  • 12 Keys To Super-Charging Your Metabolism For Weight Loss!

    By Greg Landry

    You hear it all the time - "metabolism", but what is it? It's the process of converting food to energy (movement and heat). Metabolism happens in your muscles and organs and the result of it is what we commonly refer to as "burning calories". Metabolism is essentially the speed at which your body's motor is running.  Read..

  • 8 Things Not To Eat When Trying To Lose Weight

    By Shafir Ahmad

    The road to successful weight loss can be bumpy and is filled with temptations and challenges. Accept that you will encounter these sidetracks and then set yourself a goal to overcome each and every one of them.  Read..

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