Discover Your True Passions in Life

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Discover Your True Passions in Life
By Barbara Ashcroft B.A.M.ED.

“There are two great days in a person’s life- the day we are born and the day we discover why.”
Wm. Barclay

Four out of five people are not passionate about what they are doing in life. Is your life fulfilling? Are you passionate about what you do? Do you feel that you live a purposeful life? Are you in touch with what really makes your heart sing? What dream do you want to start creating today? When you follow your passions, you will love your life. Your dreams already exist. They are just waiting for you to find them…to bring them into the world.
Sometimes we get so caught up in our same old, same old, that we lose sight of what really matters to us, what motivates us and touches our soul. Busyness and daily routine take over and then we die. Life has a way of happening with or without your consent. There are no reruns. Most people, on their death beds, do not regret their mistakes, but their lost opportunities. The good news is that it doesn’t matter what age you are. There is always time to get in touch with your passions…better late than never. If you ask yourself how many good years you think you might have to live on this planet, you get a sense of how important it is to make these years purposeful. Why would you waste one day spending your valuable time doing what is not feeding your soul? What truly gives you meaning? If today were your last day to live, what would not be fulfilled in you?

If you think that you can’t identify your passions and gifts, think back to your early years. What were your hobbies and interests? What do others usually compliment you on? What talents do others recognize in you? What feedback does the universe give you? What are you doing when time seems to fly by? When do you feel light as a feather, content and at peace? The answers to these questions will tell you what is close to your heart. This, then, is what you need to go after.

Even if you aren’t able to spend your whole day in your bliss, you must find time to nourish yourself with those things about which you are passionate. Your body cries out for it. In fact your body will rebel if you do not use your natural talents and gifts. Stress, physical ailments and depression often set in when our authentic selves are buried for the sake of security.

Our joy becomes truly activated when we get a bigger picture of who we are and why we are here. Look closely at what you are choosing for yourself. You have a choice in every moment. Choose what matters for you.
“Let the world know why you are here and do it with passion.” Dr. W. Dyer

Author's Bio

Barb Ashcroft has spent 35 years motivating and inspiring others. She believes that joy resides within every one of us. Barb offers JOURNEY TO JOY SEMINARS to help those who want to think more positively, discover their true passions, and feel fully alive. Barb is a certified Passion Test(TM) facilitator.
Contact Barb at 905 814-6434 or Check out her website .

The Passion TestTM is a trademark of Enlightened Alliances created by Janet and Chris Attwood.

Article By: Barbara Ashcroft B.A.M.ED.

Comments On Discover Your True Passions in Life (1)

samanthaTuesday, July 13, 2010

It seems that teh second great day that you write about lasts with me for too long. Perhaps, it's natural to ask yourself the question why...but I can not find the answer and it makes me upset more and more...

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