There's hope in prostate cancer treatment

CancerProstate Cancer › There's hope in prostate cancer treatment

Nowadays there are so many diseases in the world that some people just might lose hope. But be sure that there will always going to be many others struggling to find a cure for any or all diseases and making life better. This is also true regarding prostate cancer.

Recently, at a presentation about prostate cancer, one doctor made a remarkable speck in which he has presented a new treatment for men who suffer from advanced prostate cancer. This treatment is based on a vaccine. What is very encouraging is also the fact that the side effects are decreased, especially comparted to treatments such as chimotherapy. It is not yet very certain if this new treatment is actually going to be effective, but it offers a very big chance to the patients. It allows people to hope in a manner that they haven’t before.

Prostate cancer is one of the most spread cancer among men. There are lots of treatments to reduce, even cure cancer, such as surgery, chimotherapy, drugs, but unfortunately only for those whose cancer is not in an advanced state. When the cancer is discovered too late or treatments hadn’t given any results, a patient is only to wait for his death. For some time now, there weren’t even drugs available for those who have prostate cancer. Almost 15 perceent of those who are diagnosed with prostate cancer die every year. Prostate cancer is the second cause of death, first being lung cancer.

Being only in an incipient state this discovery of the new treatment for prostate cancer has raised a lot of questions and remarks. Will it work, is it that good? People must see results and everybody whant test results to be confirmed. So the serch has begun and studies started to take place. People with serious prostate cancer were taken and given the vaccine, and things slowly start to take shape, for this vaccine is showing that it might actually work. Things are not certain yet, for the tests only take place on small groups of people, because nobody is sure yet of the effects. Other tests will be taken, even on men who are in their early stages of prostate cancer, but hope is nearer than we think.

Vaccines were tried before and when doctors found that the tumor hadn't shrunk, they were very quick to judge. But it seems that the vaccine does not shrink, but generate an amazing immune response, which can be of incredible benefit to the patient.

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For more information about prostate cancer treatment and about prostate please review this web site

Article By: Groshan Fabiola

Views: 1231
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